The Pantanal Revisited

The Pantanal Revisited

Stories and photographs from our recent trip to the Pantanal in Brazil. The Pantanal is a vast wetland area where it is possible to see many unusual and elusive South American creatures such as anteaters, tapirs and jaguars.

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Easter in Rome

Easter in Rome Over the Easter weekend, what better place to visit than Rome? I was fortunate enough to spend last weekend exploring some of the historic sights of Rome and the Vatican City. Although I tend to focus on nature photography, I believe that photographing a broad range...

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Wildlife photography interview on deviantART

Wildlife photography interview on deviantART I have recently been interviewed byJohn De Bord for deviantART, a popular online art community. John asked a series of great questions and I provided some fairly in-depth responses. Here are some of the topics that were covered in the interview: How I got started in...

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Behind the shot: Celestial Storks

Behind the shot: Celestial Storks We took this photograph last year in the Pantanal, Brazil. It shows two Jabiru Storks sleeping in their nest while the stars rotate overhead. The camera was positioned so that the southern celestial pole was behind the nest and an exposure time of 40 minutes was used...

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Meerkats of the Kalahari

Meerkats of the Kalahari Matthew and I have recently added a gallery of Meerkat photos to The photographs were taken in the Kalahari Desert (Botswana) over the course of two days last year. The temptation would have been for us to both use telephoto lenses but we wanted to...

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Behind the shot: Caiman Under Stars

Behind the shot: Caiman Under Stars Our Caiman Under Stars set of photos was shot over the course of three nights last summer. We were in the Pantanal – a massive wetland region of Brazil, over 10 times the size of the Florida Everglades. Usually we aren’t content with just taking photos during the day...

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